Historic Station Data
This is a subset of
the Historic
Station Data, provided by the
UK MET office The version
of dataset on this web site was modified in the following ways:
- The data was restricted to 5 stations: Bradford, Durham, Oxford,
Sheffield, Whitby
- Rows with missing values were removed.
- The markers "*", "#" and "provisional" were removed.
- A new column "station" was added.
- All samples where combined into a single file.
The dataset has 5543 rows and 8 columns:
- station: Name of the weather station
- year: Year of observation
- month: Month of observation (1-12)
- tmax: Mean daily maximum temperature in °C
- tmin: Mean daily minimum temperature in °C
- af: Number of days with air frost
- rain: Total monthly rainfall in mm
- sun: Total monthly sunshine duration in hours
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